PIPE XR-4.0''
A modern X-ray inspection system designed to control the quality of liquid, semi-liquid and fragmented products transported by a 4” pipe. This device provides the highest available level of contamination detection while minimizing the rejection of uncontaminated product.
The robust construction of the AICON PIPE XR device – made to the IP69 standard – allows operation to continue even under the most demanding production conditions..

150 m/min
10 Gb/s
10 m³/h
Advanced X-ray
Effective detection
The highest detection level (POD) of metallic contamination, glass, stones, calcified bones, Teflon, ceramics, dense plastics, product lumps and more, with the lowest false rejection rate (FRR).
Thanks to the industry-record number of image analysis algorithms, AICON X-RAY detectors can efficiently handle any type of application.
An innovative data processing method, supporting production lines of up to 10 m³/h.
Dual Energy Imaging
The optional Dual Energy Imaging technology uses two different radiation energies to differentiate between materials in order to more precisely detect contaminants in products that are “difficult” or inhomogeneous in terms of X-ray detection technology (for example, products that have different density, random arrangement or overlap).
Simple integration
The turn-key solution enables uncomplicated and quick integration into the production environment.
Full product history (including the manufacturing process) and easy access to a detailed archive data for quality control.


High-efficiency, multi-threaded data processing
The industry’s highest multi-threaded data processing speeds – up to 10 Gb/s – for the most efficient image processing and maximum performance of the entire inspection system.
Self-control system
AICON PIPE XR series devices are built according to the product defect omission proof system concept. This system guarantees stable operation of software and hardware, based on dual communication and data exchange. Devices built according to this concept perform continuous self-control in order to capture their own malfunctions at all stages of the product scanning process, from image creation to image analysis, through to operative verification and the supervision of data acquisition.
Inverted inspection logic
By default, AICON X-Ray devices treat every inspected product as non-compliant and therefore deemed to be rejected. It is only during the scanning process that the system analyses and determines whether the product meets the expected quality requirements, and whether its status can be changed to compliant. This inverted product inspection logic system greatly minimizes the risk of non-compliant products making it to market, even in the event of failure of any component in the inspection system.
Advanced tracking system
Comprehensive product flow control is performed in real time, ensuring precise tracking and reliable registration of the position of each product transported – regardless of line throughput or complexity of the production process.
An intelligent, ergonomic design
Ergonomic solutions ensure comfortable operation and allow for easy and quick system adjustment, should you need to replace individual consumable components. Plus, these systems have been designed to the highest standard of hygiene for easy maintenance regardless of manufacturing conditions.
Simple and easy of use
Simple and convenient operation, thanks to the highly ergonomic system and automated product learning.
Interface personalization
Flexibility to adjust the control panel to suit individual user requirements, allowing for higher operational comfort.
Full MES integration
Intelligent integration into the production environment and vast compatibility with current industry standards guarantee seamless communication of the X-ray detection system with key devices in the production line (including EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, S7, EtherCAT, Modbus-TCP, Profibus, CAN, CANopen, OPC UA, SQL, Siemens Standard and RS).